ergoUX publications
Noriega, P., Sousa, M., Rebelo, F., Vilar, E. (2024). User Experience Evaluation of an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience: The Case of the Palmela Dukes’ Mausoleum in Lisbon’s Prazeres Cemetery. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14715. Springer, Cham.
Cruz, M.B., Rebelo, F., Cruz Pinto, J., Gomes, E. (2024). Does Virtual Reality Allow Essay Participants Better Conditions to Get Information Regarding the Perception of Architectural Contexts?. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14715. Springer, Cham.
Formiga, B., Rebelo, F., Cruz Pinto, J., Gomes, E., Vasconcelos, A. (2024). Panoramic 360 Image Versus 2D Video: What is the Best Inside Virtual Reality?. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14715. Springer, Cham.
Gomes, E., Rebelo, F., Vilas Boas, N. (2024). Acceptance of Students and Teachers Regarding a Virtual Reality Tool for Teaching the History of Architecture and Urbanism. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14714. Springer, Cham.
Hidayat, I. K., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Arizal, F. W., & Pahlevi, A. S. (2024). Unlocking Creativity with Playful Probes. KnE Social Sciences, 9(15), 19–25.
Wang, Z., He, R., Rebelo, F., Vilar, E., Noriega, P., & Zeng, J. (2023). A human-centered design approach: design a new evacuation alarm system for building fire emergency considering the influence of pre-emergency activity. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 25(2), 225–245.
Gomes, E., Rebelo, F., Vilas Boas, N., Noriega, P., Vilar, E. (2023). Virtual Reality in the Teaching of History of Architecture and Urbanism: A Literature Review. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14031. Springer, Cham.
Vilar, Elisângela; Monteiro, Milena; Rafael, Sónia; Rebelo, Francisco; Noriega, Paulo(2023). Applying UX Design Process for a Web-Documentary Development: A Project Development. In: Marcus, A.; Rosenzweig, E.; Soares, M.M., Design, User Experience, and Usability . Geneve. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 286-295. isbn.
Formiga, Bárbara; Rebelo, Francisco; Cruz Pinto, Jorge; Vasconcelos, Ana(2023). Architectural and Emotional Reactions: Proposal of a Framework. In: Duffy, V.G; Krömker, H.; A. Streitz, N; Konomi, S., Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Geneve. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 481-499. 9783031480478.
Ferrada, Gualter; Noriega, Paulo; Casais, Mafalda; Rebelo, Francisco(2023). ForSav: A Mobile Application for Matchmaking Profiles in a Dynamic-Ride Sharing System. In: Martins, N.; Brandão, D., Advances in Design and Digital Communication III . Berlin. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 73-84. 9783031203640.
Rafael, Sónia; Rebelo, Francisco; Pinto, Beatriz; Gil, Andreia; Lima, Catharina; Chitas, Joana; Pascoal, Marta; Simões, Lúcio(2023). Inclusion Through Accessibility. Handi Bot, a Translator for Portuguese Sign Language. In: Margherita Antona; Constantine Stephanidis, Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction . Berlin. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 451-466. 9783031356810.
Cruz, Mário Bruno; Rebelo, Francisco; Cruz Pinto, Jorge(2023). M-term Architectonic Context and Meditation Practitioners: A Concept to Be Implemented in an Informatic Application to Help Architects. In: Marcus, A.; Rosenzweig, E.; Soares, M.M., Design, User Experience, and Usability, Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Geneve. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 413-425. 9783031356964.
Masseno, Manuel; Lopes, Inês; Marques, Rita; Rebelo, Francisco; Vilar, Elisângela; Noriega, Paulo(2023). The Impact of Tangibility in the Input of the Secondary Car Controls: Touchscreens vs. Physical Buttons. In: Nuno M. C. Martins; Daniel Brandão, Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV . city. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 174-183. 9783031472817. --
Rebelo, Francisco; Wang, Zihao(eds.).(2023). Ergonomics in Design. New York: Open Access in Human Factors Engineering in Human Centered Design. https://openaccess.cms-
Wang, Zihao; He, Renke; Rebelo, Francisco; Vilar, Elisângela; Noriega, Paulo(2022). Human interaction with virtual reality: investigating pre-evacuation efficiency in building emergency. Virtual Reality, 1 (1), pp. 1-12.
Wang, Zihao; Rebelo, Francisco; He, Renke; Vilar, Elisângela; Noriega, Paulo; Zeng, Jiayu(2023). Using virtual reality to study the effect of information redundancy on evacuation effectiveness. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 33 (3), pp. 259-271.
Pedro Arezes; J. Santos Baptista; Melo, Rui B.; Castelo Branco, Jacqueline; Paula Carneiro; Ana Colim; Nélson Costa; et al(eds.).(2023). Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health IV. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Cotrim, Teresa; Serranheira, Florentino. Corresponding author: Cotrim, Teresa(2023). Ergonomia na Prevenção do Risco de Lesões Musculoesqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho | Ergonomics in the Prevention of the Risk of Work-Rela. In: Elisabete Borges, Enfermagem do trabalho | Occupational Nursing . Lisboa. Lidel, pp. 77-83. 978-989-752-883-5.
Claudia Fernandes; Cotrim, Teresa. Corresponding author: Claudia Fernandes(2023). Intervenção em fatores de risco psicossociais | Psychosocial risk factor intervention. In: Samuel Antunes; Anabela Pereira, Avaliar, intervir e prevenir os riscos psicossociais: práticas e recomendações | Assessing, intervening and preventing psychosocial risks: practi . Lisboa. Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, pp. 147-168. 978-989-53170-8-0.
Eulerson Rodrigues; Ernesto Filgueiras; João Valente; Leonor Godinho; Rodrigues, Eulerson; Filgueiras, Ernesto; Valente, João; Godinho, Leonor(2023). Physiological Analysis of Spectator Engagement in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Design, User Experience, and Usability . Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 317-332. 9783031357022.
Capítulos de livros indexados na ISI-WOS ou SCOPUS
Formiga, B., Rebelo, F., Cruz Pinto, J., Gomes, E. (2022). How Architectural Forms Can Influence Emotional Reactions: An Exploratory Study. In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13322. Springer, Cham.
Vilar, E., Monteiro, M., Rafael, S., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P. (2022). Developing Personas in UX Process: A Case Study for a Web-Documentary to Increase Empathy Among Social Groups. In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research, Design, and Assessment. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13321. Springer, Cham.
Kusumawati Hidayat, I., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P. (2022). Exploring Children’s Behavioral Intention of Using the Expected Game-Based Learning for Protracted Waste Problem. In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13322. Springer, Cham.
Rafael, S., Santiago, E., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Vilar, E. (2022). Bio-Centred Interaction Design: A New Paradigm for Human-System Interaction. In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Thinking and Practice in Contemporary and Emerging Technologies. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13323. Springer, Cham.
Trindade, Y., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P. (2022). Dissemination of São Tomé and Príncipe Culture Through Virtual Reality: Comparative UX Study Between Potential Tourists from Portugal and Santomean Inhabitants. In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13322. Springer, Cham.
Noriega, Paulo & Nascimento, Rafael & Rebelo, Francisco & Carvalhais, José & Patrone Cotrim, Teresa & Vilar, Elisângela. (2022). Fatigue, sleepiness and workload in train traffic controllers. In: Francisco Rebelo (eds) Ergonomics In Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol. 47, 266-274.
Gomes, E., Rebelo, F., Boas, N., Noriega, P., Vilar, E. (2022). A workflow for multi-user VR application within the physical classrooms of architecture and urbanism courses. In: Francisco Rebelo (eds) Ergonomics In Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 47, pp. 488-456, AHFE International, USA.
Francisco Rebelo, Diana Carvalho, Paulo Noriega, Elisangela Vilar (2022). HeroFit: A gamified solution with a mini game, to promote the change of sedentary behaviors. In: Francisco Rebelo (eds) Ergonomics In Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 47, pp. 457-464, AHFE International, USA.
Yanick Trindade, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega (2022). Measuring emotion, interaction, and cultural outcomes after a VR game: The case of São Tomé. In: Francisco Rebelo (eds) Ergonomics In Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 47, pp. 439-447, AHFE International, USA.
Santos, P.D., Rebelo, F., da Silva, F.M., das Neves, P.M. (2023). Modular Backpack Project for Children – An Ergodesign Approach. In: Raposo, D., Neves, J., Silva, R., Correia Castilho, L., Dias, R. (eds) Advances in Design, Music and Arts II. EIMAD 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 25. Springer, Cham.
Élson Marques, Paulo Noriega, Francisco Rebelo (2022). Is the driver ready to receive just car information in the windshield during manual and autonomous driving? In Handbook of Usability and User-Experience: Research and Case Studies, Edited by Marcelo M. Soares, Francisco Rebelo, Tareq Z. Ahram, vol. 7, pp. 81-114. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Elisângela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega (2022). A Human-Centered Architecture: Considering Usability and User Experience in Architectural Design. In Handbook of Usability and User-Experience: Methods and Techniques, Edited by Marcelo M. Soares, Francisco Rebelo, Tareq Z. Ahram, vol 12, pp.197-215. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Francisco Rebelo, Elisangela Vilar, Ernesto Filgueiras, João Valente, Paulo Noriega (2022). Advanced User Experience Evaluations Using Biosensors in Virtual Environments. In Handbook of Usability and User-Experience: Methods and Techniques, Edited by Marcelo M. Soares, Francisco Rebelo, Tareq Z. Ahram, vol 18, pp.331-353. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Natalia Jerzak and Francisco Rebelo (2022). Heuristic Evaluation for Serious Games (HESG): Using HESG for Designing and Evaluating Serious Games. In: Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Usability & Special Populations: Part I. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 18. AHFE International, USA.
Ferreira, R., Duarte, E., Rosa, C., Noriega, P., Rebelob, F., Noriega, P. (2022). Development of Pictograms Depicting the Five Moments of Hands Hygiene for Healthcare Workers: A User-Centered Design Approach. In: Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares (eds) Advances in Ergonomics, Design, Usability & Special Populations: Part I. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 18. AHFE International, USA.
Ayanoğlua, H., Duarte E., Noriega, P., Rebelo, F. (2022). Examining Hazard-Related Perceptions of Virtual Household Package Prototypes. In: Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares (eds) Advances in Ergonomics In Design, Usability & Special Populations: Part I. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 18. AHFE International, USA.
Lara Reis ab,Emília Duarte c,Francisco Rebelo ab (2022). Evaluation of an Experimental Virtual Environment Prototype for Older Population Warning Studies.
Reis, L., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F. (2022). Evaluation of an Experimental Virtual Environment Prototype for Older Population Warning Studies. In: Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares (eds) Advances in Ergonomics In Design, Usability & Special Populations: Part I. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 18. AHFE International, USA.
Editação de livros indexados – ISI-WOS ou SCOPUS
Soares, M.M., Rebelo, F., & Ahram, T.Z. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Usability and User-Experience: Research and Case Studies (1st ed.). CRC Press Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton. ISBN 9780367357719
Soares, M.M., Rebelo, F., & Ahram, T.Z. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Usability and User-Experience: Methods and Techniques. (1st ed.). CRC Press Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton. ISBN 9780367357702; EAN 9780367357689
Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Soares (2022). Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Usability & Special Populations – Part I. Open Access in Human Factors Engineering and Human Centered Computing, volume 18. ISBN: 978-1-4951-2106-7 DOI:
Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Soares (2022). Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Usability & Special Populations – Part I. Open Acces in Human FActors Engineering and Human Centered Computing, volume 19. DOI: - ISBN: 978-1-4951-2107-4
Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Soares (2022). Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Usability & Special Populations – Part I. Open Acces in Human Factors Engineering and Human Centered Computing, volume 20. ISBN: 978-1-4951-2108-1 - DOI:
Elisângela Vilar, Ernesto Filgueiras, Francisco Rebelo (2022). Virtual and Augmented Reality for Architecture and Design. CRC Press. ISBN 9780367508104 - DOI:
Capítulos de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Noriega P., Vilar E., Figueiredo A., Brito C., Carvalho J., Rebelo F. (2021) Costs for Road Safety of Countering the Automatic Processes of Natural Reading in the Design of Horizontal Road Information. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp 581-588. Springer, Cham.
Formiga B., Rebelo F., da Cruz Pinto J., Noriega P. (2021) Hospital Lobby and User’s Perceptions Architectural Kansei Method. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp 159-166. Springer, Cham.
Trindade Y., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2021) Research Games: A Model to Support the Development of Educational Game Using Virtual Reality Platforms. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp 857-865. Springer, Cham.
Vinagre F., Rebelo F., Noriega P., Vilar E. (2021) Teaching Emotions with Gaming: A Solution of a Complex Concept. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp 866-873. Springer, Cham.
Paixão C., Vilar E., Noriega P., Rebelo F. (2021) Can a Stealth Game Be Used to Learn Interaction Design Concepts?. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp 882-889. Springer, Cham.
Rebelo F., Noriega P., Vilar E., Filgueiras E. (2021) Ergonomics and Human Factors Research Challenges: The ErgoUX Lab Case Study. In: Rebelo F. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 261, pp. 912-922. Springer, Cham.
Santiago E., Polo D., Rebelo F., Casais M., Vilar E., Noriega P. (2021) Are We Ready for Smart Contact Lenses?. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19, pp. 324-336. Springer, Cham.
Sousa M., Rebelo F., Noriega P., Vilar E. (2021) Creating Cultural Experiences in a Cemetery: A Storyboard for a VR User Interaction. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19, pp 195-208. Springer, Cham.
Editor de livros indexados - ISI ou SCOPUS
Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Lect. Notes in Networks, Syst. Springer, Cham. Edited by Francisco Rebelo (2021).Number of pages: 1036 - ISBN: 978-3-030-79760-7 Series ISSN 2367-3370 -
Capítulos de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS com revisão por pares
Vilar E., Noriega P., Borges T., Rebelo F., Ramos S. (2020). Can an Environmental Feature Influence Interview Anxiety? In: Marcus A., Rosenzweig E. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. Case Studies in Public and Personal Interactive Systems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12202, pp. 351-369. Springer, Cham.
Rebelo F., Santos D., Noriega P., Figueiredo C., Oliveira T., Vilar E. (2020). Expected Architects Acceptance of a BIM Tool to Optimize the Building Energetic Performance. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1203, 249-255. Springer, Cham.
Pôrto M., Noriega P., Rebelo F., Vilar E. (2020). Color and Emotion: A Literature Review to Apply in Virtual Reality Environments. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1203, pp.269.273. Springer, Cham.
Vilar E., Noriega P., Rebelo F., Galrão I., Semedo D., Graça N. (2020). Exploratory Study to Investigate the Influence of a Third Person on an Individual Emergency Wayfinding Decision. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 452-46. Springer, Cham.
Oliveira T., Noriega P., Carvalhais J., Rebelo F., Lameira V. (2020). How Deep Is a Virtual Reality Experience? Virtual Environments, Emotions and Physiological Measures. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 462-471. Springer, Cham.
Rebelo F., Noriega P., Oliveira T. (2020). Evaluation of the Concept of a Smart City Gamification from a User Centered Design Perspective. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 207-219. Springer, Cham.
Trindade Y., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2020). Emotion Through Narrative: Validation for User Engagement in Game Context. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 472-482. Springer, Cham.
Galrão I., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2020). Locomotion-in-Place and Teleport: Which Is the Best Technique to Be Used in Human Behavior Research Using Virtual Reality? In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 436-445. Springer, Cham.
Manuais técnicos
Critérios de contratação pública ecológica, no âmbito da ENCPE 2020, para Mobiliário, publicado pela APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente.
Editor de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Soares (2020). Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 1206, Springer, USA. Number of pages: 409 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-51038-1 ISBN: 978-3-030-51037-4 Series E-ISSN 2194-5365
Capítulos de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS com revisão por pares
Noriega P., Carvalho D., Correia I., Alves J.L., Oliveira T., Rebelo F. (2019). Effectiveness of Coach Marks or Instructional Overlay in Smartphone Apps Interfaces. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 68-78. Springer, Cham.
Almeida A., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2020). Evaluation of Behavioral Compliance with Safety Warnings at Different Levels of Cognitive Load in Warehouses. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 955, pp. 427-435. Springer, Cham.
Rebelo F., Noriega P., Veronesi J. (2019) ‘A Framework to Use Virtual Reality for Behavior Change to Promote Safety and Health at Work’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777, pp. 127-136. Springer, Cham.
Noriega P., Inês Santos, Vitória Gameiro, Elisangela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo (2019) ‘Affordances on Route Selection in an Emergency Situation: A Study with Children’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777, pp. 97-105 Springer, Cham, pp. 97–105.
Trindade Y., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2019) ‘Emotions Appraisal with Face Reading in a Touristic Virtual Environment Prototype’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777, pp. 137-148. Springer, Cham. DOI:
Carneiro L., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2019) ‘Different Wheelchairs Designs Influence Emotional Reactions from Users and Non-users?’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777. Springer, Cham, pp. 572-580.
Neto W.F., Rebelo F., da Silva F.M. (2019) ‘Design Specifications for a New Equipment to Be Used by Workers in Aircraft Industry Maintenance’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777, pp. 561-589. Springer, Cham.
Rebelo F., Cerqueira D., Freixinho I., Noriega P. (2019) ‘Evaluation of 3D Crosswalks Design’. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design’, in: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 777, pp. 89-96. Springer, Cham, pp 89-96.
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Ana Almeida, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega & Carmen Gálvez (2019) ‘Safety warnings legibility in virtual environment’, in: Luciane Maria Fadel, Carla Spinillo, Anderson Horta, Cristina Portugal (orgs.). Proceedings of the 9th CIDI and 9th CONGIC Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação, pp. 2003.2009. ISBN 978-85-212-1728-2
Editor de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Soares (2019). Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 1206, Springer, USA. Number of pages: 516. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20444-0 - ISBN: 978-3-030-20444-0 - Series E-ISSN 2194-5365
Capítulo de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Vilar E., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2018) Comparing Three Stimulus Presentation Types in a Virtual Reality Experiment to Human Wayfinding Behavior During Emergency Situation. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 34-44. Springer, Cham -
Carneiro L., Rebelo F., Noriega P., Faria Pais J. (2018) Could the Design Features of a Wheelchair Influence the User Experience and Stigmatization Perceptions of the Users? In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 841-850. Springer, Cham -
Oliveira T., Noriega P., Rebelo F., Heidrich R. (2018) Evaluation of the Relationship Between Virtual Environments and Emotions. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 71-82. Springer, Cham -
Almeida A., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2018) Compliance with Static vs. Dynamic Warnings in Workplaces such as Warehouses: A Study Using Virtual Reality. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users, Contexts and Case Studies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10920, pp. 563-572. Springer, Cham -
Vilar E., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2018) Smart Systems in Emergency Wayfinding: A Literature Review. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Designing Interactions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10919, pp. 379-388. Springer, Cham -
Trindade Y., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2018) Potentialities of a Face Reading Tool to a Digital Game Evaluation and Development: A Preliminary Study. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 371-381. Springer, Cham -
Trindade Y., Rebelo F., Noriega P. (2018) Tourism and Virtual Reality: User Experience Evaluation of a Virtual Environment Prototype. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users, Contexts and Case Studies - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10920, pp. 730-742. Springer, Cham -
Almeida A., Rebelo F., Noriega P., Vilar E. (2018) Virtual Reality Self Induced Cybersickness: An Exploratory Study. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 26-33. Springer, Cham -
Rebelo F., Noriega P., Oliveira T., Santos D., Carvalhais J., Cotrim T. (2018) Applications and Interface Requirements to Engage the Citizens to Share Information in a Smart City Project. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 712-721. Springer, Cham -
de Amaral L.R., Duarte E., Rebelo F. (2018) Evaluation of a Virtual Environment Prototype for Studies on the Effectiveness of Technology-Based Safety Signs. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 100-111. Springer, Cham -
Rebelo F., Noriega P., Oliveira T., Santos D., Oliveira S. (2018) Expected User Acceptance of an Augmented Reality Service for a Smart City. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users, Contexts and Case Studies. DUXU 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10920, pp 703-714. Springer, Cham.
Editor de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS com revisão por pares
Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares (2018). Advances in Ergonomics in Design- Advances in intelligent systems and computing. Publisher: Sringer. ISBN 978-3-319-41983-1 -DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1
Capítulo de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS com revisão por pares
de Amaral L.R., Duarte E., Rebelo F. (2017) Evaluation of a Virtual Environment Prototype for Studies on the Effectiveness of Technology-Based Safety Signs. In: Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, pp. 100-101. Springer, Cham.
da Costa A.C., Rebelo F., Rodrigues A. (2017) Co-designing a Civic Educational Online Game with Children. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Designing Pleasurable Experiences - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10289, pp. 377-386. Springer, Cham.
Artigos em Revistas Indexadas com IF
Teresa Cotrim, José Carvalhais, Catarina Neto, Júlia Teles, Paulo Noriega, Francisco Rebelo (2017). Determinants of sleepiness at work among railway control workers, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 58, pp. 293-300.
Miguel Otávio Melo, Luiz Bueno da Silva, Francisco Rebelo (2016). Iberoamerican Journal of Industrial Engineering, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, v. 8, n. 16, p. 35-55.
Editor de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Rebelo F., Soares M. (eds) Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 588, 2018. Springer, Cham. DOI:
Capítulo de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Ayanoğlu, Hande; Duarte, Emília; Noriega, Paulo; Teles, Júlia; Rebelo, Francisco (2016). Hazard Perception of 3D Household Packages. Ergonomics in Design: Methods & Techniques, pp. 373-386, Edited by Soares Marcelo M. and Rebelo Francisco. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press. Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-6070-6 / eBook ISBN: 978-1-4987-6071-3 DOI: 10.1201/9781315367668-19
Reis, Lara; Duarte, Emília; Rebelo, Francisco (2016). Older Workers and Virtual Environments. Ergonomics in Design: Methods & Techniques, pp. 281-298, Edited by Soares Marcelo M. and Rebelo Francisco. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press. Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-6070-6 / eBook ISBN: 978-1-4987-6071-3 - DOI: 10.1201/9781315367668-19
Salomão, Roberta CS; Rebelo, Francisco; Rodríguez, Fernando Gamboa (2016). Evaluating Play-Personas of an Educational 3D Digital Game for University Students to Learn Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9747, pp. 198-207, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40355-7_19
Heidrich, Regina; Rebelo, Francisco; Branco, Marsal; Mossmann, João Batista; Schuh, Anderson; Jensen, Emely; Oliveira, Tiago (2016). Questing Ruins: A Game for a Digital Inclusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9747, pp. 264-272, Springer. - DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40355-7_25
da Costa, Ana Claudia; Rebelo, Francisco; Teles, Júlia (2016). Child-Persona: What I Think to What They Are. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Volume 485 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 43-51, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1_5
Almeida, Ana; Rebelo, Francisco; Noriega, Paulo (2016). Development of a Virtual Environment for Safety Warnings Behavior Compliance Evaluation. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Volume 485 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 35-42, Springer. - DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1_4
Rebelo, Francisco; Noriega, Paulo; Cotrim, Teresa; Melo, Rui B (2016). Cooperation University and Industry, a Challenge or a Reality: An Example in an Aircraft Maintenance Company. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Volume 485 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 245-254, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1_22
Carneiro, Luciana; Oliveira, Tiago; Noriega, Paulo; Rebelo, Francisco (2016) Can the Context Stigmatize the Assistive Technology? A Preliminary Study Using Virtual Environments. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Volume 485 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 245-254, Springer. - DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1_22
Borges, Tânia; Vilar, Elisângela; Noriega, Paulo; Ramos, Sara; Rebelo, Francisco (2016). Virtual Reality to Study Job Interview Anxiety: Evaluation of Virtual Environments. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, Volume 485 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 25-33, Springer. - DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41983-1_3
Livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Ergonomics in design: methods and techniques. Publisher: CRC Press/Balkema, Editors: Marcelo Soares, Francisco Rebelo, 532 pages, ISBN: 9781498760706 - DOI: 10.1201/9781315367668-19
Advances in Ergonomics in Design - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing Switzerland vol. 486. Editors Francisco Rebelo and Marcelo Soares, 841 pages, ISBN 978-3-319-41983-1 – DOI:
Revistas com Fator de Impacto indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Vilar, E., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Teles, J., & Mayhorn, C. (2013). The influence of environmental features on route selection in an emergency situation, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp. 618-627.
Emília Duarte; F. Rebelo; J. Teles; M. S. Wogalter (2013). Behavioral compliance for dynamic versus static signs in an immersive virtual environment static signs in an immersive virtual environment. Applied Ergonomics, Article in Press (IF=1.728)
Capítulos de livros indexados na ISI ou SCOPUS
Ayanoğlu, H., Rebelo, F., Duarte, E., Noriega, P., & Teixeira, L. (2013). Using Virtual Reality to Examine Hazard Perception in Package Design. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 4 (Vol. 8014, pp. 30–39). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_4
Dinis, S., Duarte, E., Noriega, P., Teixeira, L., Vilar, E., & Rebelo, F. (2013). Evaluating Emotional Responses to the Interior Design of a Hospital Room: A Study Using Virtual Reality. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 52 (Vol. 8014, pp. 475–483). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_52
Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teixeira, L., Vilar, E., Teles, J., & Noriega, P. (2013). Sense of Presence in a VR-Based Study on Behavioral Compliance with Warnings. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 40 (Vol. 8014, pp. 362–371). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_40
Melo, M., Silva, L.B., Almeida, Ana, & Rebelo F. (2013). Ergonomics Aspects in Operators of the Electric Power Control and Operation Centers. In A. Marcus (Ed.), DUXU/HCII (2013), Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8014, pp. 169–178. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_19
Reis, L., Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2013). Main Usability Issues in Using Virtual Environments for Older Population Warning Studies. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 21 (Vol. 8014, pp. 189–198). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_21
Teixeira, L., Vilar, E., Duarte, E., Noriega, P., Rebelo, F., & Silva, F. M. da. (2013). Strategy for the Development of a Walk-In-Place Interface for Virtual Reality. In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 46 (Vol. 8014, pp. 419–426). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_46
Vilar, E., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Teixeira, L., Duarte, E., & Filgueiras, E. (2013). Are Emergency Egress Signs Strong Enough to Overlap the Influence of the Environmental Variables? In A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel Technological Environments SE - 23 (Vol. 8014, pp. 205–214). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39238-2_23
Conferências Internacionais com revisão por pares
Cotrim TP., Cardoso C., Rebelo F., & Silva CF. (2013). Comparing Work Ability and Psychosocial Factors among Workers from Municipal Services and a Control Center. Conference Abstract presented at Work, Well-being and Wealth. Active ageing at work. Scand J Work Environ Health. pp16. Helsinki (Finland) August 2013. Available from:
Revistas indexadas com revisão por pares
Capítulos de Livros indexados ISI ou SCOPUS com revisão por pares
Teixeira L., Duarte E., Teles J., Rebelo F. (2011) Evaluation of Human Performance Using Two Types of Navigation Interfaces in Virtual Reality. In: Shumaker R. (eds) Virtual and Mixed Reality - New Trends. VMR 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6773, pp. 380-386. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Filgueiras E., Rebelo F., Moreira da Silva F. (2011) Human-Computer Interaction in Office Work: Evaluation of Interaction Patterns Using Office Equipment and Software during Data Entry and Navigation. In: Robertson M.M. (eds) Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. EHAWC 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6779, pp. 40-48. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Duarte E., Vilar E., Rebelo F., Teles J., Almeida A. (2011) Some Evidences of the Impact of Environment’s Design Features in Routes Selection in Virtual Environments. In: Shumaker R. (eds) Virtual and Mixed Reality - New Trends. VMR 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6773, pp. 154-163. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Rebelo, F., Duarte, Noriega, P. e Soares, M. (2011). Virtual Reality in Consumer Product Design: Methods and Applications. In Waldemar Karwowski, Marcelo Soares and Neville Stanton (Eds.). Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design: Methods and Techniques. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Chapter 24. (ISBN: 9781420046281)
Rebelo, F., Ernesto Vilar and Marcelo Soares Behavior Video (2011). A Methodology and Tool to Measure the Human Behavior: Examples in Product Evaluation. In Waldemar Karwowski, Marcelo Soares and Neville Stanton (Eds.). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design: Methods and Techniques. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Chapter 19. (ISBN: 9781420046281).
Conferências com revisão por pares
Noriega, P., Vilar, E., Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2011). Affordances in the design of road environment: For better road safety. In E. C.rte-Real, C. Duarte & F. C. Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon. Proceeding of the 6th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference (pp. 278-290). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE.
Teixeira, L., Duarte, E., Vilar, E., Rebelo, F., & Silva, F. M. (2011). How to evaluate interaction with products using virtual reality. In E. Côrte-Real, C. Duarte & F. C. Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon. Proceeding of the 6th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference (pp. 305-306). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE.
Reis, L., Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2011). Designing inclusive technology-based warnings using a virtual reality-based methodology. In E. C.rte-Real, C. Duarte & F. C. Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon. Proceeding of the 6th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference (pp. 291-292). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE.
Vilar, E., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Teixeira, L., Duarte, E., & Teles, J. (2011). The role of path selection in the design of videogame worlds: A pilot study using virtual reality. In E. Côrte-Real, C. Duarte & F. C. Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon. Proceeding of the 6th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference (pp. 307-317). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE.
Cláudia Nunes, Francisco Rebelo, Fernado Moreira da Silva (2011). Avaliação de Metodologia para Estudo Piloto: A mobilidade em jardim de lar. VI Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em Design. Lisboa, 10-14 Outubro 2011.
Revistas indexadas ISO ou Scopus com fator de impacto
Francisco Rebelo and Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras (2011). Ergoshow: a user-centred design game to make children aware of ergonomics and occupational safety and health. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-14, iFirst. Taylor & Francis. (DOI:10.1080/1463922X.2010.525761)
Francisco Rebelo and Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras (2011). Ergoshow: a user-centred design game to make children aware of ergonomics and occupational safety and health. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-14, iFirst. Taylor & Francis. (DOI:10.1080/1463922X.2010.525761)
Atas de Conferências Internacionais
Cláudia Nunes, Francisco Rebelo, Fernando Moreira da Silva (2011). Outdoor Spaces Design: Senior Perception and Satisfaction in Elderly Garden Houses. ERGODESIGN - 11º Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia: Produto, Informações, Ambiente Construído e Transporte, MANAUS, 15-19, 2011.
Revistas Indexadas
Sara Ramos, Inês Gonçalves, Hugo Simões & Francisco Rebelo (2011). Participatory and multidisciplinary approach in prevention of musculoskeletal disorders International Journal Working Conditions, nº 1, Porto: IS-FLUP, pp. 98-109.Publicação em Capítulos de Livros
Duarte, E., Rebelo, F. e Teles, J. (2010). Aplicação da RV na simulação de evacuação de edifícios: a importância dos níveis de interacção na performance dos trabalhadores. In Proceedings of SHO2010 - International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, pp. 202-206, 11-12 February 2010, Guimarães. (ISBN: 978-972-99504-6-9).
Vilar, E., Rebelo, F. e Teles, J. (2010). Realidade Virtual (RV) como ambiente de interacção para avaliar o desempenho em estudos de Wayfinding: Estudo piloto. In Proceedings of SHO2010 - International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, pp. 560-564, 11-12 February 2010, Guimarães. (ISBN: 978-972-99504-6-9).
Pacheco, C., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F. e Teles, J. (2010). Interacção de uma população idosa com um sistema de Realidade Virtual imersivo: estudo piloto na escolha das cores de um ambiente. In Proceedings of SHO2010 – International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, pp. 401-405, 11-12 February 2010, Guimarães. (ISBN: 978-972-99504-6-9).
Francisco Rebelo (2010). A Realidade Virtual em Ergonomia na Segurança no Trabalho. In Proceedings of SHO2010 -- International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, pp. 443-226, 11-12 February 2010, Guimarães. (ISBN: 978-972-99504-6-9)
Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J., Wogalter, M. (2010). Behavioral compliance in Virtual Reality: effects of warning type. In D.B. Kaber, G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, pp. 812-821, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Ltd., Florida, USA. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-34916) |
Pacheco, C., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J. (2010). Using Virtual Reality for interior colors selection and evaluation by the elderly. In D.B. Kaber, G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, pp. 784-792, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Ltd., Florida, USA. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-3491-6) |
Filgueiras, E., Rebelo, F., Duarte, E. (2010). A Methodological Proposal to Evaluate the Postural response in Virtual Reality. In D.B. Kaber, G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, pp. 822-831, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Ltd., Florida, USA. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-3491-6) |
Teixeira, L., Rebelo, F., Filgueiras, E. (2010). Human interaction data acquisition software for Virtual Reality: A user-centered design approach. In D. B. Kaber&G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series (pp. 793-801). CRC Press/Taylor&Francis, Ltd. |
Vilar, E., Rebelo, F., Teixeira, L.&Teles, J. (2010). Are people able to develop cognitive maps of virtual environments while performing wayfinding tasks? In D.B. Kaber, G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series (pp. 576-585). Miami, Florida, USA: CRC Press/Taylor&Francis, Ltd. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-3491-6). |
Elisângela Vilar and Francisco Rebelo (2010). Virtual Reality in Wayfinding studies: A Pilot Study. In D.B. Kaber, G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series (pp. 1-10). USA: CRC Press/Taylor&Francis, Ltd. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-3491-6). |
Revistas indexadas
Sara Ramos, Inês Gonçalves, Hugo Simões, Francisco Rebelo (2010). O contributo do design ergonómico na interação com dispositivos de controlo: um caso de reconcepção de um posto de trabalho. Laboreal volume VI, (1), pp. 17–28.
Atas de Conferências
Teles, J., Duarte, E., Teixeira, L. e Rebelo, F. (2010). Concordance correlation coefficient: an incursion into virtual Reality. In Proceedings of LinStat’2010 – International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference. pp.253-254, 27 to 31 July 2010. Tomar, Portugal.
Santos, F. Rebelo, R. Santos, J. Teles, Flight attendant uniform concept preference study using Kansei ergonomics, Proceedings of KEER 2010 – International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, Paris (2010), 978-985 (ISBN: 978-4-9905104-0-4).Teixeira, L., Vilar, E., Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2010). ErgoVR – Uma abordagem para recolha automática de dados para estudos de Ergonomia no Design. In P. Arezes, J. S. Baptista, M. P. Barroso, P. Carneiro, P. Cordeiro, R. M. N. Costa, A. S. Miguel & G. P. Perestrelo (Eds.), SHO2010 – International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (pp. 505-509). Guimarães, Portugal: Sociedade Portuguesa de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais.
Publicações em Conferências
Duarte, M. E. C., Rebelo, F., & Teixeira, L. M. B. (2009). Warnings research methods: where are we now and where are we headed? In E. Côrte-Real, A. Couto & C. Duarte (Eds.), 40 IADE 40, from 1969 to 2049 - 5th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference (pp. 414-422). Lisboa, Portugal: IADE.
Duarte, M. E. C., Rebelo, F., & Teixeira, L. M. B. (2009). Exploring game tasks to produce high levels of immersion in virtual reality: An experiment in the scope of safety warnings evaluation. IDEMI09 - First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation. Porto, Portugal: Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade do Porto, (CD-ROM).
Duarte, M. E. C., Rebelo, F., & Teixeira, L. M. B. (2009a). Exploring game tasks to produce high levels of immersion in Virtual Reality: An experiment in the scope of safety warnings evaluation. IDEMI09 –Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation. Porto, Portugal: Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade do Porto, (CD ROM).
Duarte M. E. C., Rosa, C., Rebelo, F. & Duarte, C. (2009). Design of pictograms: A comparison between iterative and non-iterative design methodologies. IEA 2009 – Proceedings of the 17th Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, China: Ergonomics Association, (CD-ROM).
Atas de Conferências
Duarte M. E. C., Rebelo, F. & Teixeira, L.M.B. (2009). Avaliação da interacção com Envolvimentos Virtuais através de matrizes de exploração do espaço. Actas da 4ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Humano-Computador, pp. 113-120.
Claúdia Mourato Nunes, Francisco Rebelo (2009). Fernando Moreira da Silva. Interacção do Sénior com Jardim de Lar: Desenvolvimento de um Guião de Entrevista. Actas da 4ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Humano-Computador, pp. 229-236.
Duarte M. E. C., Rebelo, F. & Teixeira, L.M.B. (2009). Warnings research methods: where are we now and where are we headed? Proceedings of the 40 IADE 40, from 1969 to 2049. 5th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1 to 3.
Duarte M. E. C., Rebelo, F. & Teixeira, L.M.B. (2009). Exploring Game Tasks to Produce High Levels of Immersion in Virtual Reality: An Experiment in the Scope of Safety Warnings Evaluation. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation IDEMI09, Porto, Portugal, September 14-15.
Elisangela P. Vilar, Rebelo, F. & Teixeira, L.M.B. (2009). The Influence of Guidance System in Indoor wayfinding Using Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation IDEMI09, Porto, Portugal, September 14-15.
Duarte M. E. C., Rosa, C., Rebelo, F. & Duarte, C. (2009). Design of Pictograms: a comparison between iterative and non-iterative design methodologies. Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2009, Beijing.Publicações em Conferências
Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2008). Design and evaluation of unfamiliar software icons: A case study. In W. Karwowsky & G. Salvendy (Eds.), AHFE 2008 – Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Las Vegas, NV: USA Publishing, (in CD-ROM form).
Duarte, E., & Rebelo, F. (2008). Potential uses of Virtual Reality to evaluate behavioral compliance with warnings. In W. Karwowsky & G. Salvendy (Eds.), AHFE 2008 – Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Las Vegas, NV: USA Publishing, (in CD-ROM form).
Rebelo, F. & Duarte, M. E. C. (2008). A realidade virtual no design e avaliação das informações de segurança. Abergo 2008 - XV Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. Porto Seguro, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia (CD-ROM).
Vilar, Elisangela; Rebelo, F. (2008). Virtual Reality in Wayfinding Studies. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4.
Duarte M. Emília C.; Rebelo, F. (2008). Potential Uses of Virtual Reality to Evaluate Behavioral Compliance With Warnings. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4.
Duarte M. Emília C.; Rebelo, F. (2008). Design and Evaluation of Unfamiliar Software Icons: A Case Study. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4
Fielgueiras, Ernesto; Soares Marcelo; Rebelo, F. (2008). Keyboard Design? Postural Behavior Evaluation During Interaction With Keyboards and Typewriters. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4
Sara Ramos; Rebelo, F.; Gonçalves, Inês; Simões, Hugo (2008). The Contribute of Ergonomic Design in the Interaction With Control Displays. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4.
Rebelo, F.; Fielgueiras, E.; Marques, E. (2008). Valorized Aspects in an Multimedia Game for Children. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4.
Santos, Michele; Rebelo, F.; Teles, Júlia (2008). Study of a Car Seat Concept Design Proposal Using Kansei Ergonomics. In “2008 AHFE International Conference Proceedings, Edited by Waldemar Karwowski and Gabriel Salvendy, “2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA)”, 14-17 July 2008, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN 978-1-60643-712-4.
Rebelo, F. & Duarte M. E. C. (2008). A realidade virtual no design e avaliação das informações de Segurança. In CD of ABERGO 2008, Porto Seguro. Preceedings do Congresso Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia - Abergo 2008 - Porto Seguro - BA. ISSN/ISBN: 9788589211093
Rebelo, F. (2006). Integration of ergonomics in a product development process: A case study. Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 10-14.
Elisângela Vilar, Ernesto Filgueiras, Francisco Rebelo (2007). Integration of people with disabilities in the workplace: A methodology to evaluate the accessibility degree. Occupational Ergonomics, 7, 2, pp. 95 – 117.
Antunes, PJ; Dias, Dias, G. R.; Coelho, AT; Rebelo F; Pereira, T (2007). Hyperelastic Modelling of Cork-Polyurethane Gel Composites: Non-linear FEA Implementation in 3D Foot Model. In Marques, AT; Silva, AF; Baptista, APM; Sa, C; Alves, FJLA; Malheiros, LF; Vieira, M (Ed.). Advance Materials Forum IV, 587-588: 700-705. (ISSN: 0255-5476).
Heleodório Honorato dos Santos, Luís Silva Carvalho, Francisco Soares Másculo, Francisco Rebelo (2007). Flexão anterior do tronco: quantificação das forças e dos momentos de força que agem na coluna lombar. Revista Fisioterapia Brasil, vol. VIII, nº 4, 261-267.
Catarina de Oliveira Sousa, Heleodório Honorato dos Santos, F. Rebelo, Maria Cláudia Gatto Cardia, Jorge Oishi (2007). Relação entre variáveis antropométricas e as dimensões das carteiras utilizadas por estudantes universitários. Revista Fisioterapia & Pesquisa, v. 14, n. 2, maio-agosto, 2007, p. 27-34.
Capítulos de livros indexados ISI ou Scopus
Duarte, M. E. C., & Rebelo, F. (2007). Virtual reality in the study of warnings effectiveness. In M. J. Dainoff (Ed.), Ergonomics and Health Aspects of work with computers. HCII 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007 (Vol. 4566/2007, pp. 189-198). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Filgueiras, E.& Rebelo, F. (2007). An interactive system to measure the human behaviour: An analysis model for the human-product-Environment interaction. In M.J. Dainoff (Ed.). Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 4566: 199-206. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-73332-4).
Rebelo, F; Filgueiras, E (2007). Effectiveness of multimedia systems in children's education. In M.J. Dainoff (Ed.). Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 4566: 274-283. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-73332-4).
Santos, M; Rebelo, F (2007). An expert system to support clothing design process. In M.J. Dainoff (Ed.). Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 4566: 284-289. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-73332-4).
Vilar, E; Filgueiras, E; Rebelo, F (2007). Methodology to apply a usability testing by non specialized people: Evaluation of the European platform "e-exhibitions". In M.J. Dainoff (Ed.). Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 4566: 359-367. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-73332-4). |
Publicações em Conferências
Duarte, M. E. C., & Rebelo, F. (2006). Serão os sinais de segurança inclusivos? Abergo 2006 – XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. Curitiba, Brasil: Elsevier Ltd, (CD-ROM).
Duarte, M. E. C., & Rebelo, F. (2006). Safety signs comprehension and the context effect. IEA 2006 – The 16th World Congress on Ergonomics, Meeting Diversity in Ergonomics. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd, (CD-ROM).
E.V. Filgueiras, Rebelo, F., S. Campos; R. Santos (2006). Evaluation of the Controller's offices´ Behavior in real work situations. Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 10-14.
Emília C. Duarte, Rebelo, F. (2006). Safety Signs Comprehension and the Context Effect. Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 10-14.
Emília C. Duarte, Rebelo, F (2006). Serão os Sinais de Segurança Inclusivos? Actas do 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Curitiba 29 Outubro a 2 de Novembro.
Rebelo, F (2006). Ergoshow - Sistemas Multimédia para Formação de Jovens nas Temáticas da Ergonomia, Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, Curitiba 29 Outubro a 2 de Novembro.
Bruno Barros; Marcelo Soares; Francisco Rebelo (2006). Serão os Sinais de Segurança Inclusivos? Atas do 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Curitiba 29 Outubro a 2 de Novembro.
Revistas indexadas ISI ou Scopus com Fator de Impacto
Heleodório Honorato dos Santos; Francisco Soares Másculo, Luís Carlos Carvalho, Francisco Rebelo (2006). Análise qualitativa da postura estática por meio da observação de pontos anatómicos. Fisioterapia Brasil, 7,6, 404-410.
Revistas indexadas ISI Scopus
Graciano Compadrinho, Jorge Lima, Rebelo, F. (2006). Movimentação de Cargas por Mulheres Grávidas: Análise do Perigo. Nursing, 15, 16.
Publicação em Livros Indexados ISI Scopus
Rebelo, F; Rodrigues, A; Santos, R (2003). Ergonomics in the development of an anti-fatigue industrial mat. In Strasser, H; Kluth, K; Rausch, H; Bubb, H (Ed.). Quality of Work and Products in Enterprises of the Future: 341-343. (ISBN: 3-935089-68-6). |
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Duarte, M. E. C, & Rebelo, F. (2005). Comprehension of safety signs: internal and external variable influences and comprehension difficulties by disabled people. Cyberg’2005, 4th International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics – “Meeting Diversity in Cyber/Online Ergonomics”
M. Emília C. Duarte; Rebelo, F. (2005). Comprehension of Safety Signs: Internal and External Variable Influences and Comprehension Difficulties by Disable People. Thatcher, A., James, J & Todd, A. Proceedings of CybErg 2005. The Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. Johannesburg: International Ergonomics Association Press.
Elisângela Pessoa Vilar; Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras; Joana Sérgio; Rebelo, F. (2005). A Methodology to Evaluate the Accessibility. Thatcher, A., James, J & Todd, A. (2005). Proceedings of CybErg 2005. The Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. Johannesburg: International Ergonomics Association Press.
Rebelo, F.; J. Gaspar, Raquel Santos (2005). Ergonomic Evaluation of Two Floor Types in a Car Painting Line. Thatcher, A., James, J & Todd, A. (2005). Proceedings of CybErg 2005. The Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. Johannesburg: International Ergonomics Association Press.
Aparício, P.; Pombeiro, A.; Santos, R.; Rebelo, F. (2005). Relationship Between Palm Grip Strength in Different Positions and Associeted Disconfort Level. Thatcher, A., James, J & Todd, A. (2005). Proceedings of CybErg 2005. The Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. Johannesburg: International Ergonomics Association Press.
Heleodório Honorato dos Santos; Francisco Soares Másculo; Rebelo, F.; Luís Carlos Carvalho (2005) Flexão Anterior do Tronco: Quantificação das Forças e dos Momentos que Agen na Coluna Lombar. Proceedings do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica. João Pessoa, Pernambuco – Brasil.
Heleodório Honorato dos Santos; Luís Carlos Carvalho; Francisco Soares Másculo; Rebelo, F. (2005). Electromiografia dos Músculos Extensores Lombares Durante as Actividades de Trabalho de Borracheiros. In Proceedings do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica. João Pessoa, Pernambuco – Brasil.
Rebelo, F. (2005). A importância da Biomecânica para a Ergonomia. In Proceedings do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica. João Pessoa, Pernambuco – Brasil.
Heleodório Honorato dos Santos; Luís Carlos Carvalho; Francisco Soares Másculo; F. Rebelo (2005). Eletromiografia dos Músculos Extensores Lombares Durante as Actividades de Trabalho de Borracheiros. In Proceedings do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica. João Pessoa, Pernambuco – Brasil.
Capítulos de livros
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Duarte, M. E. C., & Rebelo, F. (2004). Compreensão da sinalética. Serão os sinais de segurança compreendidos? In L. Carriço, P. Antunes & N. Correia (Eds.), Interacção 2004 - Actas da 1ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina. Universidade de Ciências de Lisboa, 12-14 Julho, 2004. Porto: Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica.
Rebelo, F.; Santos, Raquel; Melo, Rui; Rodrigues, Anabela (2004). Benchmarking of Automotive Seats: Seat Comfort Evaluation Among Different Car Models. In Proceedings of FISITA – World Automotive Congres, 23-27 May, Barcelona, Spain.
Rebelo, F.; Raquel Santos; Rui Melo; Anabela R.; Kamany Espírito Santos (2004). Ergonomia na Concepção do Banco de um Veículo Automóvel. In Proceedings of 4 International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Porto, 19 a 20 de Fevereiro.
Rebelo, F.; Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras; Raquel Santos; Marta Pereira; José Reis (2004). Metodologia para o Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Multimédia Centrada no Utilizador. In Proceedings of Interacção 2004 – I Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Computador. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 12-14 de Junho.
Emília C. Duarte, Rebelo, F. (2004). Compreensão da sinalética. Serão os sinais de segurança compreendidos? In Proceedings of Interacção 2004 – I Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Computador. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 12-14 de Junho.
Rebelo, F. (2004). Ergonomia do Produto na Prática Ergonómica. In Proceedings of XIII. Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Fortaleza – Brasil, 2 de Agosto a 2 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F.; Gaspar J.; Gomes, I.; Fujão C.; Santos, R. (2004). Avaliação dos Efeitos do Piso em Trabalhadores numa Linha de Pintura Automóvel. In Proceedings of the International Ergonomic Congress of Portuguese Speaking Countries Madeira, 26-28 July.
Rebelo, F. (2004). A Ergonomia no Design de Sistemas Físicos e Comunicacionais: Apresentação de Alguns Exemplos. In ERGODESIGN/ USIHC - Colectânea de Palestras de Convidados Internacionais e Nacionais. Edições FAPERJ – Rio de Janeiro.
Rebelo, F. (2004). Simulação Numérica em Ergonómica. In Proceedings of XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Fortaleza – Brasil, 2 de Agosto a 2 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F .; Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras; Raquel Santos; Marta Pereira; José Reis (2004). A eficácia dos Meios Multimédia na Transmissão de Conteúdos de Ergonomia Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho para Crianças. In Proceedings of XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Fortaleza – Brasil, 2 de Agosto a 2 de Setembro.
Isabel Christina Dias; Francisco Soares Másculo; Rebelo, F. (2004). Metodologia para o Levantamento Antropométrico dos Estudantes de Graduação do Centro de Tecnologia da UPPB – Uso de Técnicas Fotogramétricas. In Proceedings of XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, Fortaleza – Brasil, 2 de Agosto a 2 de Setembro.
Heleodório Honorato S.; Francisco Másculo; Rebelo, F .; Luís Carlos C. (2004). Análise Postural dos Borracheiros: Quantificação das Forças e dos Momentos que Agem na Coluna Lombar. In Proceedings of 36º Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 30 de Outubro a 2 de Novembro.
Rebelo, F. ; Raquel J. H. Santos; Anabela S. Rodrigues (2004). Avaliação de um Novo Conceito de Tapetes para Utilização Industrial: Ensaios com Utilizadores. In Proceedings of the International Ergonomic Congress of Portuguese Speaking Countries Madeira , 26-28 July.
Másculo, Francisco Soares; Dias, Isabel Cristina; Rebelo F. (2004). Metodologia para o levantamento antropométrico dos estudantes de graduação do centro de tecnologia da UFPB – uso de técnicas fotogramétricas. In Proceedings of XXIV Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção - X International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Florianópolis.
Capítulo de Livro Rebelo, F. (2004). Contribuições da Ergonomia no Desenvolvimento de um Sistema para Apoio à Colocação ou Recolocação Profissional de Pessoas com Deficiência. In Satão Omote (Ed.). Inclusão: Intenção e Realidade, 167-181. Edições Fundepe publicações, Marília–São Paulo. (ISBN: 85-98176-02-8) |
Rebelo, F. (2004). Concepção de Situações de Trabalho numa Perspectiva Integradora. In Satão Omote (Ed.). Inclusão: Intenção e Realidade, 183-192. Edições Fundepe publicações, Marília–São Paulo. (ISBN: 85-98176-02-8). |
Rebelo, F. (2004). Contributos da Ergonomia no Desenvolvimento de Condições de Trabalho Inclusivas. Integrar, 21, edição do Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional.
Rebelo, F. (2004). Ergonomia e Design Inclusivo In Design Urbano Inclusivo. Edição do Centro Português de Design.
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F.; Rodrigues, A.; Santos, R. (2003). Can an anti-fatigue industrial mat efficient? Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and The 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Abel Pinto, Rebelo, F. (2003). Development of a Knowledge Database to Evaluate the Work Risks in the Building Industry Sector. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and the 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Rebelo, F.; Raquel Santos (2003). Optimization of an Industrial Assembly Line for the Automobile Industry. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and the 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Rebelo, F. (2003). HARSim (Humanoid Articulation Reaction Simulation) – An Interactive Computer Model to Evaluate Muscle-Skeletal Problems. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and the 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Froufe Teresa; Rebelo, F. (2003). Evaluation and Development of a New Concept of School Furniture. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and The 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho Ricardo (2003). Ergonomics in the Design of a Factory Unit. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and The 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Duarte, M. E. C., & Rebelo, F. (2003). Abordagem metodológica para a concepção de pictogramas numa perspectiva do design inclusivo. In E. Côrte-Real, C. A. M. Duarte & F. C. Rodrigues (Eds.), ""Senses and Sensibility in Technology, Liking Tradition to Inovation through Design"". Proceedings of the IADE’s 1st International Meeting of Science and Technology of Design, 25-26 September, 2003 (pp. 264-271). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE.
Duarte, M. E. C., Rebelo, F., Rodrigues, F. C., Duarte, C., & Sobrinho, E. (2003). Acessibilidade numa perspetiva ecológica. USE(R) – Actas do Congresso Internacional em Design. Lisboa: Centro Português de Design, (CD-ROM).
Rebelo, F., Rodrigues, A.S (2003). Participatory Ergonomics Applied to Mat Design for Industrial Use. Senses and Sensibility in Technology –Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design 1st International Meeting of Science and Technology of Design IADE - Instituto de Artes Visuais Design e Marketing, 25-26 September, Lisbon.
Abel Pinto, Rebelo, F. (2003). Advantages of a Computerized Application for the Risk Assessment in Building Sites. In Proceedings of III Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ergonomia, Hotel Tivoli, Lisboa, 10 e 11 de Abril.
Rebelo, F.; João Alcobia; Raquel Santos (2003). Optimização do Interface para Acessibilidade a Contentores de Peças na Indústria Automóvel. In Proceedings of III Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ergonomia, Hotel Tivoli, Lisboa, 10 e 11 de Abril.
Ernesto Vilar Filgueiras; Marcelo Soares; Rebelo, F. (2003). Análise comparativa dos modos operatórios de digitadores e dactilógrafos com o uso de ferramentas para a quantificação sistemática da frequência temporal. In Proceedings III ERGODESIGN - Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia: Produtos, Programas, Informação, Ambiente Construído, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC/RIO Rio de Janeiro.
Rebelo, F.; Raquel Santos; Rodrigues, A.S. (2003). Participatory Ergonomics in the Development of an Anti-Fatigue Industrial Mat. In Proceedings of III Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ergonomia, Hotel Tivoli, Lisboa, 10 e 11 de Abril.
Teresa Cotrim; Cláudia Francisco; João Lopes Freitas; Maria Cristina Fonseca; Rebelo, F .; Luísa Barreiros (2003). An Ergonomic Evaluation of Endoscopic Examinations: Formulation of Guidelines to Improve the Interaction Between Physicians and Equipments. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association and The 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea / Japan Ergonomics Society “Ergonomics in the Digital Age”, Seul, Coreia do Sul, 24 a 29 de Agosto.
Ernesto Vilar Fielgueiras; Marcelo Soares; Rebelo, F . (2003). Aplicação de ferramenta para a quantificação sistemática da frequência temporal e análise comportamental de digitadores e datilógrafos em tempo real: uma avaliação ergonómica. XXIII International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Ouro Preto, Brasil, 21 a 24 de Outubro.
Rebelo, F. (2003). Certificação de Ergonomistas na Europa. In CD-Rom of Proceedings of 1ª Jornada de Ergonomia – Juiz de Fora, 17 a 19 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F. (2003). Contributos da Ergonomia no Desenvolvimento de Condições de Trabalho Inclusivas: Alguns trabalhos desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Ergonomia. Resumos do Congresso Desafios e Oportunidades – A Integração Profissional das Pessoas com Deficiência, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 5 a 7 de Novembro.
Duarte, M. E. C., Rebelo, F., Rodrigues, F. C., Duarte, C., & Sobrinho, E. (2003). Acessibilidade numa perspetiva ecológica. USE(R) – Actas do Congresso Internacional em Design. Lisboa: Centro Português de Design, (CD-ROM).
Capítulo livro indexado ISI ou Scopus
Carvalho, F; Rebelo, F; Barreiros, L (2003). Workload analysis: Development of a micropostural quantification methodology. In Strasser, H; Kluth, K; Rausch, H; Bubb, H (Ed.). Quality of Work and Products in Enterprises of the Future: 353-366. (ISBN: 3-935089-68-6).
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F. (2002). Optimização de Situações de Trabalho Utilizando Modelos Ergocad em Envolvimentos Virtuais. Livros das Comunicações do Colóquio Internacional sobre “Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho” organizado pela Ordem dos Engenheiros – Região Norte, Porto – FEUP, 22 e 23 de Fevereiro.
C. Batista; Rebelo, F. (2002). Ergonomics in the reconception of clean-up carts. In CD of Cyberg'2002 - "Ergonomics for Human & Community Development" The Third International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association Press. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Teresa, Froufe; Filomena Ferreira; Rebelo, F. (2002). Collection of Anthropometric Data from Primary Schoolchildren. In CD of Cyberg'2002 - "Ergonomics for Human & Community Development" The Third International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association Press. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Rebelo, F.; Ricardo, Carvalho (2002). Ergonomic and user-centred approach in the design of an E-learning system. In CD of Cyberg'2002 - "Ergonomics for Human & Community Development" The Third International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association Press. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Teresa Cotrim; Cláudia Francisco; João Lopes Freitas; Maria Cristina F.; Rebelo, F.; Luísa Barreiros (2002). Ergonomic analysis of postural workload during endoscopies. In CD of Cyberg'2002 - "Ergonomics for Human & Community Development" The Third International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association Press. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Rebelo, F.; Espírito Santo, Carvalho; L. Barreiros; Correia da Silva, Kelo (2002). Comfort and Safety Evaluation in European Railway Vehicles. In CD of Cyberg'2002 - "Ergonomics for Human & Community Development" The Third International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association Press. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Rebelo, F. (2002). A Ergonomia no Desenvolvimento de uma Cabine de um Metro de Superfície. In livro das comunicações do IV Congresso Nacional de Saúde Ocupacional, 29 a 31 de Outubro - Póvoa de Varzim.
Rebelo, F. (2002). A Ergonomia no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação: Em Busca da Usabilidade. In CD do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. Recife, 1 a 5 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F. (2002). Avaliação dos Problemas Músculo-esqueléticos provocados por Esforços Repetitivos Utilizando a Aplicação Informática HarSIM "Humanóide Articulation Reaction Simulation". In CD do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. Recife, 1 a 5 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F.; Raquel Santos (2002). Estudo Ergonómico na Indústria Automóvel. Identificação e Hierarquização de Factores de Risco e Elaboração de Recomendações numa Linha de Montagem da Suspensão Dianteira. In CD do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. Recife, 1 a 5 de Setembro.
Rebelo, F. (2002). A Perspetiva da Ergonomia no Design Universal. In Actas do Seminário "Design Universal", organizado pela Associação Portuguesa para o Design em Reabilitação, Lisboa, 18 de Abril.
Revistas com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F.; Oliveira Duarte, J.; Barreiros, L. A (2002). A Realidade Virtual na Área da Deficiência. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 5 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Rebelo, F.; Oliveira Duarte, J.; Noriega, P; Barreiros (2002). Desenvolvimento e Validação de um Sistema de Realidade Virtual para Pessoas com Deficiência. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 5 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Oliveira Duarte, J; Santos e Souza, P; Rebelo, F. (2002). Adaptação do Envolvimento Doméstico a um Indivíduo Portador de Espondilite Anquilosante. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 5 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Rebelo, F.; Oliveira Duarte, J.; Noriega, P; Melo, R.B.; Barreiros, L. (2002). Sistema Integrado de Apoio à Colocação ou Recolocação de Pessoas com Deficiência. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 5 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Rebelo, F.; Silva, P.; Gatinho, V. Análise, Intervenção e Validação numa Linha de Montagem (2002). Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 4, 37-45 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Dora Ruas; Rebelo, F; Barreiros, L. (2002). A Carga Postural dos Jardineiros Durante a Monda: Uma Análise Ergonómica. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 2, 49-61 (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Rebelo, F; Correia da Silva K. (2002). Modelo Numérico do Membro Superior para Aplicações em Ergonomia. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 1, 37-55. (ISNN: 0873-0717).
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F.; Santos, Ricardo Carvalho, Barreiros, L. (2001). Design and Evaluation of a CBT Application (Computer Based Training). In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety – July 29 to August 1, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Rebelo, F. (2001). Simulação Dinâmica em Ergonomia. Livro das Comunicações do ABERGO’ 2001 - XI Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia, 2 a 6 de Setembro, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
F. Rebelo, C. Batista, J. Pé de Ouro (2001). Comfort Evaluation of Four Mattresses. Design and Evaluation of a CBT Application (Computer Based Training). In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety – July 29 to August 1, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Rebelo, F.; Santos, Raquel; Barreiros, L. (2001). Sistema Digita – Aquisição de Dados Antropométricos Baseado em Técnicas Fotogramétricas. Livro das Actas do III Congresso Nacional de Saúde Ocupacional. Póvoa de Varzim,1 a 4 de Outubro, pp. 137-139.
Rebelo, F. (2001). Instrumentos de Análise e Metodologias Utilizadas no Design Ergonómico. Livro de Comunicações do I ErgoDesign – Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia: Produtos, Programas, Informação, Ambiente Construído, Rio de Janeiro, 7-8 de Junho.
Rebelo, F. (2001). A Ergonomia no Design de Sistemas Físicos e Comunicacionais. Livro de Comunicações do I Ergodesign – Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia: Produtos, Programas, Informação, Ambiente Construído, Rio de Janeiro, 7-8 de Junho.
Cláudia Francisco; Teresa Cotrim, Rebelo, F.;Barreiros Luísa (2001). Ergonomia Hospitalar: Análise da Carga Postural em Profissionais do Hospital Garcia da Orta. Livro das Comunicações do 6º Fórum Nacional de Medicina no Trabalho – CulturGest, 7 a 9 de Novembro.
Filipa Carvalho; Barreiros, L.; Rebelo, F. (2001). Perturbações Músculo-esqueléticas: Aplicação de uma Metodologia para Quantificação da Carga de Trabalho. Livro das Comunicações do 6º Fórum Nacional de Medicina no Trabalho – CulturGest, 7 a 9 de Novembro.
Batista, C.; Rebelo, F. (2001). A Ergonomia na Reconcepção de um Carrinho de Varredura. Livro das Comunicações do 6º Fórum Nacional de Medicina no Trabalho – CulturGest, 7 a 9 de Novembro.
Publicações em Conferências com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F., Ferreira, C. & Correia da Silva, K. (2000). Síntese de padrões motores do membro superior optimizados para aplicações em design ergonómico. In Proceedings of VI Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional, Aveiro, 17 a 19 de Abril, pp. 181-190.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, E.S; Barreiros, L. (2000). Ergonomic Evaluation of Office Chairs. In Proceedings of XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Diego, USA - 29 Junho a 4 de Agosto.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, E.S.; Correia da Silva, Kelo; Barreiros, L. (2001). Safety Analysis and Crashworthiness of Passenger and Crew Accommodation in European Rail Vehicles. In Proceedings of XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Diego, USA - 29 Junho a 4 de Agosto.
Rebelo, F. (2000). A Ergonomia Face às Novas Formas de Organização do Trabalho: Riscos e Soluções. Atas do Seminário – Riscos Emergentes da Nova Organização do Trabalho, organizado pelo Instituto para o Desenvolvimento e Inspeção das Condições de Trabalho (IDICT). FIL, Lisboa, 8 a 9 de Junho.
Rebelo, F. (2000). PASEA – Software para Avaliação do Stress Postural. Atas do I Encontro Pan-Americano de Ergonomia – A Ergonomia na Empresa: Útil, Prática, Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 18 a 22 de Novembro.
Rebelo, F. (2000). A Simulação na Prática Ergonómica. Atas do I Encontro Pan-Americano de Ergonomia – A Ergonomia na Empresa: Útil, Prática, Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 18 a 22 de Novembro.
Rebelo, F. (2000). Problemas Músculo-esqueléticos: Metodologias e Aplicações. Atas do V Simpósio Nacional do ISMAI sobre Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho, ISMAI – Castelo da Maia 26 a 27 de Outubro.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, Ricardo; Correia da Silva, K., Barreiros, L. (1999). WorkMan II - A interactive computer graphics human model for ergonomic design. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety, Barcelona, 19-21 de Maio.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, Ricardo; Correia da Silva, K., Barreiros, L. (1999). Ergonomic Evaluation of Interior Rail Vehicles in Crashworthiness. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety, Barcelona, 19-21 de Maio.
Rebelo, F., Rita Romão, Ricardo Carvalho, Luísa Barreiros (1999). Design of a Computer Workstation for People Suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis. In CD-ROM Proceedings of CybErg 1999.The Second International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. The International Ergonomics Association Press, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. Straker, L. and Pollock, C., (Eds.) 15 de Setembro a 15 de Outubro.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, R.; Correia da Silva; K.; Barreiros, L. (1998). WorkMan: A Computer Model for Ergonomic Assessment. Haamaha ’98 Sixth International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility & Hybrid Automation at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 5-8, Hong Kong, P.R. China
Cristina Cartaxo; Francisco Másculo; Luiz Bueno da Silva; F., Rebelo (1998). Ergonomics Study of Reinforcement Workers – The Quantitative evaluation of the Resuntant Efforts in Vertebral Column. Ergon- Axia ’98 First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 8-11, P.R. China
Rebelo, F.; Dinis, A.; Cotrim, T.; Paes Duarte, A.; Correia da Silva, K.; Barreiros, L. (1997). Computer Simulation in Ergonomics Design of a Public Service Organisation Office. In Proceedings of the XII Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Tampere, Finland, 29 Junho a 4 de Julho.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, J.; Correia da Silva, K.; Barreiros, L. (1997). Three-Dimensional Anthropometric Computer Model of the Human Hand. In Proceedings of the XII Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 29 Junho a 4 de Julho, Tampere, Filand.
Rebelo, F. (1997). Concepção de Espaços de Trabalho. Actas do V Congresso Luso-Galaico de Medicina do Trabalho, Lisboa 29-31 de Outubro.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, J.; Correia da Silva; K.; Barreiros, L. (1997). Projecto Dauphin, a Ergonomia na Concepção de um Veículo Automóvel. Actas do congresso da 1ª Conferência Internacional sobre Ergonomia, Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais, Guimarães, 18-20 de Junho.
Cotrim, T.; Rebelo, F.; Paes Duarte, A.; Correia da Silva, K.; Barreiros, L. (1997). Analysis of a Postural Load is a Hospital Environment: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the XII Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Tampere, Finland, 29 Junho a 4 de Julho.
Rebelo, F.; K. Correia da Silva (1996). Modelling the Vertebral Column Mechanics in Weight Lifting. In Proceedings of XIV International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Madeira, 25-29 de Junho.
Rebelo, F; J. Carvalho; Barreiros. L.; Correia da Silva, K. (1996). Ergonomic Design of a Vehicle Cockpit, In the First International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, Curtin University of Technology.
Rebelo, F.; K. Correia da Silva (1995). Maximum Limits in Back Trunk Load Carrying Capacity. In Proceedings of of XVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. Jyvaskyla, Filand, 2-6 July.
Rebelo, F.; L. Barreiros, K. Correia da Silva (1995). Présentation d’un logiciel d’analyse quantitative de la charge postural. In Proccedings do 25 Colloque International sur la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles dans l’agriculture, Albufeira, 4 a 6 de Outubro. Publicado pelo comité AISS-Agriculture.
Rebelo, F.; L. Barreiros, K. Correia da Silva (1995). Computer Package for Evaluation of the Work Place Postural Stress. 7th Brazilian Ergonomics Congress. In Proccedings of 3rd Latin American Congress., Rio de Janeiro, 16 a 20 de Outubro.
Rebelo, F.; T. Cotrin, A. Pais Duarte, L. Barreiros, K. Correia da Silva (1995). Programa Informático para Avaliação do Stress Postural. Aplicação no Contexto Hospitalar. In Abstratcs of III Congresso Ibero-Americano de Medicina do Trabalho., Lisboa 24 a 28 de Outubro.
Rebelo F. & K.M. Correia da Silva (1994) Numerical Study of the Mechanical Performance of the Vertebral Column in Complex Asymmetrical Lifting Tasks. In Abstracts of 12º Congress of the International Ergonomics Association - Canadá 14-19 Agosto.
Rebelo F., Silva C., Duarte O. (1994) Design of a Weelchair - Ergonomic Contribution in a Value Analyses Team. In Abstracts of 12º Congress of the International Ergonomics Association - Canadá 14-19 Agosto.
Silva C., Rebelo F., Barreiros L. (1994) L’Analise de la Valeur et L’Ergonomie - Conception d’un Produit pour Transporter des Rasins au Dos. In Abstracts of 12º Congress of the International Ergonomics Association - Canadá 14-19 Agosto.
Rebelo F., Barreiros L., Caldeira S. (1994) Developpement d’une Technique Video pour L’Analyse de Postures en Situation de Travail. In Abstracts of 12º Congress of the International Ergonomics Association - Canadá 14-19 Agosto.
Rebelo F., Barreiros L., Caldeira S. (1994) Ergonomie Scolaire - Conception d’Ameublement Scolaire. In Proceedings of of 12º Congress of the International Ergonomics Association - Canadá 14-19 Agosto.
Rebelo F.S. & K. Correia da Silva (1992) Mathematical Model of the Spinal Dynamics and its Ergonomics Applications. In Abstracts of papers. I Congresso Internacional y Muestra sobre Informática Nuevas Tecnologias en el Deporte 23-27 Março - Torremolinos.
Correia da Silva K. Rebelo F., Ferreira C. (1992) Modulação Numérica em Ergonomia. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Rebelo F., Barreiros L., Froufe T. (1992) Concepção de uma Base de Dados Antropométricos da Mão. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Rebelo F.S., Palma Rodrigues J., Correia da Silva K., Resina J. (1992) Cálculo Numérico das Tensões Flectoras ao Longo dos Tutores Utilizados na Correcção Cirúrgica de Escolioses. In Abstracts of papers. Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia - Instituto Superior de Ciências Dentárias do Porto.
Rebelo F.S., Mão-cheia P., Rosário C.A (1992) A Mão: Concepção das pegas de um tabuleiro para self service. In Abstracts of papers. III Jornadas de Ergonomia. La Mano, herramientas y sensor. Departamiento Proyectos de Ingenieria. Barcelona 27 e 28 de Maio.
Oliveira Duarte J., Rebelo F. (1992) Algoritmo de um Sistema para Reclassificação e Análise dos Postos de Trabalho Aplicado à Recolocação de Trabalhadores Acidentados e Deficientes. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Simões A., Rebelo F. Faquirá (1992) Adaptação de um Posto de Trabalho na Indústria de Componentes Electrónicos. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Rebelo F. & K. Correia da Silva (1992) Método Económico para Processar Topogramas de Moiré. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Rebelo F. & K. Correia da Silva (1992) Simulação do Comportamento Mecânico da Coluna Vertebral. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Rebelo F. & K. Correia da Silva (1992) Resposta Mecânica da Coluna Lombar Sujeita a Cargas. In Abstracts of papers. European Symposium of Ergonomics - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Departamento de Ergonomia.
Alberti, A., F. Rebelo, K. Correia da Silva (1991) Inexpensive Method for the Processing of Moiré Topographs. In Abstracts of papers. Symposium Surface Topography and Spinal Deformities Gent, Belgium, March 19/20
Duarte J. & Rebelo F.S. (1991) Computer Systems for Job Analysis Applied to the Management of Handycapped Workers. In Abstracts of papers. 11º Congrès de l'Association Internationale d'Ergonomie -Paris.
Rebelo F.S., K. Correia da Silva (1991) Cálculo do Comportamento da Coluna Vertebral em Carga. In Actas do Congresso Nacional de Fisiologia, 13/14 Novembro.
Rebelo F.S., K. Correia da Silva (1991) Biomecânica da Coluna Vertebral. In Actas do Congresso Nacional de Fisiologia, 13/14 Novembro.
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, R.; Correia da Silva; K.; Barreiros, L. (1998). Assembly Line Optimisation Using Computer Program Techniques. Global Ergonomics. Edited by P.ª Scott; R.S. Bridger and J. Charteris, Elsevier.
Rebelo, F.; L., Barreiros; C., Caldeira (1994). Développement d’une Méthodologie pour Évaluation des Postures. In Ergonomie et Engénierie, XXIX Congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française, Editions Eyrolles.
Rebelo, F.; C. Silva; J.O., Duarte (1994). Conception d’un Fauteuil Roulant en Utilisant la Methodologie d’Analyse de la Valeur et le Cahier des Charges Fonctionnel. In Ergonomie et Engénierie, XXIX Congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française, Editions Eyrolles.
Silva C., Rebelo F., Barreiros L. (1994). Conception d’un Produit pour Transporter les Raisin dans la Region de Production de Vin de Porto. In Ergonomie et Engénierie, XXIX Congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française, Editions Eyrolles.
Revistas com revisão por pares
Romão, R.; F. Rebelo; J. Oliveira Duarte; Luísa Barreiros (1998). Concepção de um posto de trabalho informatizado para pessoas com espondilite anquilosante. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 2.
Dora Ruas.; F. Rebelo; Luísa Barreiros (1998). Carga postural durante a monda: Uma análise ergonómica. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 2.
Rebelo, F.; C. Cristina; K. Correia da Silva; Barreiros, L. (1998). Avaliação do Stress Postural numa Actividade da Construção Civil no Brasil. Revista Portuguesa de Ergonomia, 1.
Rebelo F.S., K.M. Correia da Silva (1994). Three-Dimensional Modelling of the Vertebral Column Mechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 27, 6.
Rebelo F.S., Correia da Silva K. (1992). Spinal Dynamics: A three-dimensional Model of the mechanical Beaviour of the vertebral Column for Ergonomic Applications. Motricidade Humana, 8, 1.
Capítulo livro com revisão por pares
Rebelo, F; Carvalho, R; Barreiros, L (1998). Optimization of a Assembly Line using Computer Program techniques. In Scott, PA; Bridger, RS; Charteris, J (Ed.). Global Ergonomics. (ISBN: 0-08-043334-0).
Rebelo, F.; Carvalho, Ricardo; Correia da Silva, K., Barreiros, L. (1998). Workman: A Computer Human Model for Ergonomic Assessment. In Proceedings of Haamaha ’98 Sixth International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility & Hybrid Automation at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 5-8, Hong Kong, P.R. China.