ergoUX - Group Report (2019-2023)

CIAUD Research

ErgoUX Research group

The group includes two teams: ErgoUX from the School of Architecture – University of Lisbon,  and ERGOS from Faculty of Human Kinetics – University of Lisbon. Each group complements the other in a multidisciplinary approach. The team provides work with practical applications and technology implementations directly linked to real-life practical issues.

Two main research areas are developing, covering:

• Ergonomics, Usability and User Experience, developed by ergoUX team.

• Ergonomics, safety, and health, developed by ERGOS team.

Those areas are developed by multidisciplinary researchers, which allows visions coming from different areas of knowledge. These visions merge into the Human-Centred Design approach that has proven to be very effective in analyzing and solving the problems that the group deals with.


Short review of the work developped between 2019-2023

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